Slimming belt

Losing weight without dieting and exercising in the gym is not the dream of all people with weight problems? Can a weight loss belt help with this? How do weight loss belts work? How does this effect affect weight? Is it worth spending money on this type of widget?

Slimming belt

Today, advertising on various devices for "passive" weight loss literally storms the air. It is therefore not surprising that many people are in a hurry to make a wonderful purchase. And how could it be otherwise: you do not need to exercise, exhaust yourself with diets. You put on a miracle belt and lose weight! Many people think about how to lose weight properly, but how easy it is to lose weight! But are the various sauna belts, vibrating belts and the like so effective? Doctors and fitness instructors look at these devices with much less optimism than their distributors.

What is a weight loss belt?

All existing weight loss belts can be divided into two major groups:

  • Sauna belts.
  • Massage belts.

There are also belts that combine the features of sauna belts and massage belts. What are such belts?

Belts with sauna effect. These devices increase body temperature in areas of the body that are below the belt. In other words, sauna belts affect the abdomen. The manufacturers claim that the effect of the sauna contributes to the process of active degradation of lipids. Along the way, along with sweat, toxins and excess fluid leave the tissues. Therefore, there is a reduction in the volume of the problem area.

In fact, you should not expect the striking effect of such a belt. Subcutaneous tissue cannot be heated by local exposure. If this were possible, the homeostasis of the body would be disturbed. In reality, only the skin is heated and this does not lead to the breakdown of fat.

Also, remember that fats do not melt when heated normally. Deposits can only be broken down by exposure to enzymes and chemical impulses. This effect occurs when the body receives fewer calories than it consumes. This means that you can, of course, wear a belt, but only after a diet. Otherwise you will not find a wasp waist!

neoprene slimming belt

Some belts even have extra heat or annoying impregnation (like pepper). They heat the tissues more and therefore sweating is more active. Due to tissue dehydration, the volumes actually decrease, but the fat stays in place. Drink a glass of water and the whole effect of the sauna is gone!

Belts with a sauna effect are cheap, but they are best bought either from pharmacies or from sports shops. By the way, replacing such a belt with ordinary food film or mustard plasters, you will not lose anything.

Massage belts. These are electrical devices that act on the body with magnetic or electrical impulses, as well as with vibrations. The manufacturers claim that under this influence, fats are converted into a substance that is much easier to break down.

Unfortunately, vibration also has little effect on fat. We are exposed to vibrations every day: traveling by car or subway can also shake off body fat. Belts that create a magnetic field should also not be considered a miracle tool for weight loss. Especially given the fact that doctors do not approve of this way of losing weight, assuring that the consequences can be very serious for health.

Vibrobelt is strongly contraindicated for patients with hypertension, pregnant women, as well as for heart disease and nursing mothers. Therefore, if you want to know how to lose weight after giving birth, you should forget about the vibrating belt. With fragility of blood vessels and after abdominal surgery, it is also impossible to use such devices.

Sauna belts should not be used by people with sensitive skin or skin problems. Allergy sufferers should avoid using belts with various irritating impregnations.

As tempting as advertising is, remember that diet and exercise remain the most effective means of losing weight. And you are unlikely to lose weight lying on the couch in a miracle belt.